The competition is already here and the delegation continue to arrive
February 28, 2019
Today is almost over and more delegations are coming to the competition, welcome, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus and Moldova.

The evening came and more delegations continue to arrive, welcome the teams from Germany and Romania, we wish you success in the competition

Say hello to the Ukraine, Belarus and Greece teams

More athletes and members of the Russian delegation have arrived and we are already looking forward to seeing you in the competition. Welcome.

What a pleasure the first athlete from Russia landed, good morning, welcome and good luck in the competition.

Early in the morning another group arrived from Georgia, good morning and welcome to Israel.

The competition is already here and the delegation continue to arrive
February 27, 2019
This evening the first Georgian delegation, welcome to Israel, is waiting to see you on the matt.

Wednesday, in two days the competition begins and the delegations continue to arrive, big welcome to the delegation of China.

The competition is already here and the first delegation has already landed
February 26, 2019
Today, Monday, at noon the first delegation landed for the competition, the delegation from Latvia, welcome to Israel, our friends enjoy your stay and have successful in the competition.

The international competition begins with preparations
November 10, 2018
Our website is ready, invitations are sent all over the world to athletes and coaches and at this moment the organizers meet to close the final details. The 3rd competition is going to be bigger and more glorious than last year, the number of places is limited and the first to register will benefit from participating in a high level international competition and an outstanding experience.
Preparations for the event are underway
February 28, 2018
The delegations from abroad are already coming in, the medals are ready, and we are looking forward to the biggest judo and sambo sport event in Israel.

Our friend, Nerosh
February 26, 2018
This week (2-3 March 2018) the first international competition will be held in memory of our friend Alex Nerosh.
It all began with the thought of perpetuating the name of our members under the values that characterized it in sports Science and Friendship, a national competition was held in which hundreds of athletes competed about a year ago (2017)
From then on, Pavel Musin and the team made sure to do everything possible to make the event formal and take the project to the international arena, and that is how it happened.
This year (2018), more than 500 athletes from 15 countries will participate in the competition.
Our friend, Nerosh, was a research fellow at the Weizmann Institute and was half a step away from completing the doctorate. It is important to note that his research was groundbreaking and used his results to date, from his colleagues in the Weizmann Institute's research laboratory to scientists worldwide (By Prof. David Milstein of the Weizmann Institute of Science)
Alex, was an athlete from the age of eight and practiced at the Samurai Do Club with the coach Pavel Musin.
Even during his adult life, in parallel to the many hours of research and hard work, he managed to get training and continue sports, often his friends were impressed by the ability to combine all things together.
One of Alex's outstanding accomplishments is the first place in the Israel championship in JUDO.
Friends say that with all the activity, the hours of research and the judo training, he always has a round of friends around him, and what characterized him is the circle of members and members of the various groups who managed with all of them and in time he found the time to invest and give himself to everyone who needed it.